How To Identify A Trend For Trading


When it comes to trading, whether Forex, stocks, commodities, or anything in between, being able to identify a trend is very important. This is something that we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy know all too well. How to identify a trend for day trading is extremely important and valuable. In all fairness, if you cannot identify a trend, you will end up losing a whole lot of trades and wasting a ton of investment capital.

The Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is all about turning you into professional and profitable traders. This is why we are here today, to help teach you how to identify a trend. Keep in mind that here we are really only covering the basics and skimming the surface. If you want full length and greatly in depth lessons on trend identification, you will want to join our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy.

Income Mentor Box Identify A Trend

What Is A Trend?

Simply put, a trend is the predicted direction of a price of an asset, which can apply to stocks, Forex, indices, commodities, crypto, and any other market asset out there. Being able to identify a trend is therefore a really big deal for trading. It will determine in which direction you trade, and it helps you determine if the price of a certain asset will go down, stay stable, or increase.

As you can probably tell, when it comes to trading, being able to identify a certain trend and in which direction it is going is super important. Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we have several full length lessons on identifying trends. Our mentor, Andrew, also has several videos up on his YouTube channel related to this subject. In terms of trading Forex and other such assets, it is a great way to analyze prices and it goes a long way in helping you make profitable trades.

How To Identify A Trend – The Market Phases

What you need to know first, before we start talking about the different methods you can use to identify a trend, it is important to know the three directions which a price can move. The 3 market phases are rally (price going up), range (price staying the same), and sell off (price going down).

These are what we would call trends. They are the trends of the price, specifically in their direction. Now that you know what the different price trends are, you need to be able to identify them and recognize when they will change. There are a few different methods you can use to go about this, and they all work pretty well.

Identifying A Trend With A Line Graph

What we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy have noticed, is that most people just use candlesticks and bars to observe a chart and identify a trend. However, what many people seem to forget all about is the simple line graph, which can be a very effective tool for this.

Bars and candles do work to provide detailed information about a particular asset, but when it comes to trend identification, is not 100% necessary. When you zoom out to get a wider timeframe, you get a good idea of what the price of a certain asset has been doing for the last day, week, month, or year. It’s a good starting point which can help you identify a certain trend.

How To Identify A Trend Using The Market Rhythm

Another great way to identify a trend is by analyzing the rhythm of the market, or in other words, the price highs and lows of a certain asset. When it comes to understanding a price chart, it is probably one of the best, easiest, and only things you need. Conventional knowledge tells us that during an uptrend, there are higher highs because the majority of action comes from buyers, and this pushes the price higher. This also works in the other direction. During a downtrend, because the majority of action comes from selling, they push prices lower, and therefore there are lower lows. It’s a pretty easy way to spot a trend indeed.

Using Moving Averages To Identify A Trend

When it comes to some of the best trading tools out there, moving averages are absolutely phenomenal for identifying market directions and trends. If you are going to be analyzing trend direction by using moving averages, there are a few things which you need to know.

  1. The length of the moving average will greatly impact when you get a signal that the markets will turn in any given direction.
  2. A small moving average may give you early and false signals in terms of when a trend or price direction is going to happen, but it can also get you out early and save money when a trend is going to change.
  3. On the other hand, a large moving average may be too late when providing signals, but it can also help you ride a good trend for longer.


Identify A Trend With Moving Averages

Identifying A Trend With The ADX Indicator

The other way to identify a trend which we want to touch on here today is by using the ADX indicator, which is a highly effective technical analysis tool that you should know how to use. The ADX indicator features 3 lines. There is the ADX line which tells you the strength of the trend, the +DI line, which shows the bullish strength, and the –DI line, which shows the bearish strength of the price. When there is an uptrend, the green line is on top of the red line, and vice versa.

Identifying Trends – Final Thoughts

Ok, so here we have touched on what trends are, how to identify them, and why they are important. How to identify a trend is very important when it comes to winning trades. If you want to learn everything there is to know about identifying trends for day trading, joining our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is your best bet at doing so.

Income Mentor Box Indicators

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