Ask Us Anything You Want!

Ask Us Anything You Want!


Do you have questions about day trading? If so, you should always feel free to ask us, the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. Yes, we have a comprehensive course for day traders, but people still always have questions to ask. Please folks, always feel free to ask us anything about day trading, and we will always do our best to help you in any way we can!


Income Mentor Box, Ask Us

Ask Us About Trading Strategies!

One thing that we want you guys to ask us about is about trading strategies. Yes, here at the Income Mentor Box Day trading academy, we provide tons of lessons in regards to trading strategies. We have a lot of good course material focused around trading strategies. We also have lots of daily trading strategy updates. However, we do know that these concepts and strategies can be a bit hard to grasp. We do not expect you to understand everything the first time around.

After all, that would not be natural, and day trading is something which takes some practice to get the hang of. Therefore, if you are having troubles grasping the fundamentals, especially in regards to trading strategies, please ask us. If you ask us, we will do our very best to explain trading strategies to you in such a way that will make everything easy to understand. This is what we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy are all about, explaining and teaching you how to be the best day trader you can be!


Ask Us About The Differences Between Types Of Trading!

Something that you might want to ask us about is in regards to the different types of trading. Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we teach all kinds of trading. You can learn how to trade stocks, Forex, indices, commodities, CFD, and so much more. Of course, there are some big fundamental differences between these kinds of trading. Just because we taught you how to trade Forex does not mean that you are automatically ready to start trading stocks.

Something that we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy can teach you is the difference between one type of trading and another. This is vital if you want to become a diverse and successful trader. So, if you have questions in regards to the different types of trading which you can engage in, please feel free to ask us and we will do our very best to answer your questions to the fullest of our abilities.


Ask Us About Trading Tips!

Yet another thing which you should feel free to ask us about is in terms of trading tips. After all, the main goal of our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is to provide you with accurate and up to date trading tips. There are always new updates to be done, and we might not always be able to keep up with them all. This is why we want you to ask us about trading tips. This could be in regards to anything and everything to do with trading. If you need tips on how to be a better trader, we will do everything in our power to make it so.


Ask Us How To Use Trading Platforms!

Something else which you should definitely ask us about has to do with brokers and trading platforms. Yes, if you want to be a top notch trader, you need to know how to use various brokers and trading platforms. You cannot possibly be a good trader if you are not familiar with how brokers work and how various trading platforms work.

These can be a little tricky to understand and to get the hang of. However, once you are intimately familiar with these things, you should be able to trade like a pro no problem. Of course, you may have varying questions about brokers and trading platforms, and you should always feel free to ask us anything. Remember folks, there is no such thing as a stupid question!

Ask Us About Our Own Trading Mistakes!

Something else that we would like you to ask us about is our own trading mistakes. Yes, here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we have also made trading mistakes. We are not one of those trading academies which claims that our mentors are 100% perfect and that they have never made mistakes when trading. This would be a stupid claim to make, as everybody makes mistakes when day trading.

However, the important part here is to learn from those mistakes and to improve upon them. We want you to ask us about our own trading mistakes, because this way we can share our own experiences with you. We want to tell you about our own trading mistakes, because this way we can help you avoid making those some mistakes. If you have any questions in regards to this, always feel free to ask us, because we don’t want you to make easy to avoid mistakes when you do not have to!

Ask Us About Hot Stocks

Another thing that you can always ask about are stocks. Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we do provide stock and Forex signals for you to trade with. However, for whatever reason, you might not be happy with them and are looking for new stocks to invest in. If this is the case, always feel free to ask us about new and upcoming stocks that you might want to invest in.


Ask Us MORE! – Final Thoughts

The bottom line is that you should always feel welcome to ask us questions in regards to trading. This is what we are here for! The main purpose of this Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is to turn you from newbies into self-sustaining and profitable day traders. Whatever questions you have, there are no questions too big or too small. Just ask us anything you like, and we will always do our best to answer in such a way that makes the most sense to you!

Income Mentor Box support and resistance Trading Lessons

Why Take Day Trading Lessons?

Why Take Day Trading Lessons?


Have you tried trading Forex, stocks, or anything else, but have not seen success and have been hampered down with countless losses? Well ,have you ever considered taking day trading lessons to help you hone your skills and perfect your trading strategies? The fact of the matter is that many people think they can just start winning trades and banking cash, just like that, but of course, this is not so. Day trading lessons are a must for anybody who wants to join the trader’s world! So, why should you consider taking trading lessons?

Trading Lessons


Day Trading Lessons Provide You With Mentorship

One of the biggest reasons why we would recommend taking trading lessons is because they provide you with real mentorship. Sure, you could go read some blog or watch some YouTube videos, but the information found online is mostly incomplete, if not just really bad. There is also the fact that there are tons of self-proclaimed trading gurus out there that know about as much about trading as monkeys know about rocket science.

When it comes down to it, you can’t learn to day trade on your own. It is more or less impossible to learn day trading, whether Forex or stocks, on your own. Here at the Income Mentor Box Academy, we provide the most comprehensive and in depth set of trading lessons out there right now. Our mentor, Andrew, has been trading for close to a decade and he knows what he is doing. It’s much easier to learn trading when you have an expert who can explain things to you in an easy to understand manner, something Andrew is adept at.



Trading Lessons Give You Trading Experience

Another reason why trading lessons are so important is because they provide you with much needed experience. By following along with all of the trading lessons at Income Mentor Box, you will gain the experience you need to trade confidently on your own. The fact of the matter is that if you start day trading without any experience at all, chances are you will suffer from some really big losses.

The whole aim here is to turn you into a self-sustaining and independent day trader that can survive on your own. All of the trading lessons which our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy provides are designed to provide you with real life experience that will turn you from a newbie into a confident day trader that can survive without any help at all.


Day Trading Lessons Teach You How To Use Brokers & Trading Platforms

Something which many newbies and beginners do not realize is that placing trades is not as easy as just copying signals. You have to be using a trading platform in combination with a broker. If you don’t know what you are doing, navigating a broker or trader platform can be very difficult, nearly impossible depending on which ones they are.

It can take days or even weeks to get the hang of, and that is time that is being wasted, time you could be using to make money. When you take trading lessons, such as from Income Mentor Box, you will quickly and efficiently learn how to navigate brokers and platforms alike, and it won’t take very long either. It will take our mentor, Andrew, about 30 minutes to get you comfortable with brokers and all kinds of platforms. When it comes to trading lessons, this might not be the most important one of all, but it is certainly a valuable skill to have in your arsenal.


They Are Much Cheaper Than Losing Trades

One thing that you also need to keep in mind about taking good trading lessons is that they end up saving you money in the long run. For instance, joining our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is going to cost you a flat $299. There are no hidden costs, upgrade fees, or anything else of the sort. This is absolutely a onetime payment. For one, this is actually much cheaper than any other trading lessons out there. Second, for the price, you actually get a whole lot of value with Income Mentor Box, with over 50 separate trading lessons, a free EBook, and much more.

The fact of the matter is that you could easily lose $299 in a single trade. What we are saying is that spending $299 on trading lessons is going to help you save money. By gaining the knowledge, experience, and tools you need to become a successful trader, you will win way more stock or Forex trades than you ever would. The bottom line is that you do have to spend money to make money, and spending $299 a single time on some trading lessons is much less costly than losing trade after trade, time and time again.

Income Mentor Box Trading Lessons


Trading Lessons Will Teach You Various Strategies & Tips

One of the biggest mistakes which people make when they have never taken trading lessons is to trade blindly. You might not realize it, but day trading involves various indicators, oscillators, strategies, rules, and other tips which you need to be familiar with. There are literally hundreds of different trading strategies out there. Some might be good for one person, while some might be better for others.

However, if you have never taken trading lessons, you will never know about any of the most important strategies and tips. Simply put, here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, you will learn the ins and outs of trading, both the basics and the more complex aspects too, and this includes strategies, tips, and winning secrets. The bottom line is that you need to learn how to trade, and you need to learn everything about trading, before you can expect to become a profitable day trader. The only way to really do this is by taking day trading lessons, such as with Income Mentor Box for instance.


Day Trading Lessons Will Teach You About Risk Management

Yet another things which newbie day traders are really not good at is managing risk and money. Yes, if you are going to be a pro day trader, you need to know all about risk. The fact here is that the market always involves risk. It does not matter if you are trading stocks, commodities, Forex, indices, or anything in between. There is always risk involved in the market, risk of losing trades and losing capital.

A smart trader knows how to gauge the level of risk involved with each trade, and knows how much cash is worth risking per position. If you don’t know how to engage in effective risk management and money management, not only will you lose trades, but you will run out of trading capital sooner rather than later. Taking trading lessons from an esteemed academy such as Income Mentor Box will teach you how to manage risk and investment capital.


You Get To Talk To People In The Same Boat As You

Yet another benefit that you get from taking trading lessons such as ours, is that you get to talk to other people who have limited experience with trading. You might think it useless to talk to other people who don’t really know much about day trading, but it is actually very useful. There is always a learning curve involved with this kind of thing, and being able to hash through problems with people in the same boat as you can be extremely beneficial.

Being able to communicate with other traders, and people who are taking the same trading lessons as you, can provide you with valuable insights. It’s not only your own experience that counts. If you did not know, here at the Income Mentor Box Academy, we provide a free members chat room exactly for this very purpose.


Some Courses Provide Free Trading Signals

Ok, so this is not the case with all trading lessons or day trading schools out there, but it definitely is when it comes to our own Income Mentor Box Academy. Sure, learning how to trade, getting experience, and having a great mentor are all big benefits no doubt. However, sometimes you just don’t have time to learn, or at least not as fast as you would like. Moreover, sometimes concepts take time to grasp, or you might just not have time to be a full blown professional day trading.

However, when you pay a low fee for our trading lessons from Income Mentor Box, you will also get free and unlimited access to our signals service. Yes, that is right, we provide trading signals, usually Forex, about 12 per day. You can take these signals as they come, copy them directly into your broker or platform of choice, and watch as the money rolls in. There is no other work needed and the positions come complete with everything you need to place the trades. It’s a pretty easy way to make money and a great bonus along with our comprehensive trading lessons.


The Value Of Day Trading Lessons – Final Thoughts

Day trading lessons are a truly invaluable commodity, one that as an aspiring day trader, you definitely need to take part in. Sure, you have to spend a few bucks, but the knowledge, skills, and confidence you will gain from trading lessons just cannot be beat. Spending a few bucks now to learn how to trade with Income Mentor Box will save you countless thousands of dollar in losses in the long run.


Income Mentor Box Trading Lessons