5 Tips to Improve Your Trading Results

5 Tips to Improve Your Trading Results

As a beginner trader, you might think that simply trading on a regular basis is enough to make you a great trader. Sure, there is a lot to learn, and you can certainly put in a lot of hours. However, just spending time around the markets and putting in the hours won’t necessarily improve you trading results or make you a great trader.

The simple reality is that if you are a losing trader, putting in more hours into trading will just result in greater losses. Constantly trading without learning the right skills and following the right methods will just help engrain bad trading habits too. To help improve you trading results, you need to make some deliberate choices, the right choices.

Today, we want to talk about the five most important tips to improve your trading results. As you are about to find out, these tips aren’t anything super groundbreaking, but the simple things are often the most important ones. If you want to improve your trading results, take a closer look at the tips that we have outlined below.

Tips to Improve Trading Results

Let’s now take a look at five important tips you need to adhere to in order to improve your trading results on a day to day basis.

Focus on Being in the Right Mindset

One of the most important things that you need to do to improve you trading results is to have the right trading mindset. This means that you need to be present in the moment, focuses, and have a clear head. Also, make sure that you are focused on trading 100%. This means that you aren’t answering emails or going on social medial in the middle of trading.

You need to visualize your trading plan in your head, then execute it to the fullest of your abilities. Another good idea to make sure that you are well prepared for a day of trading is to go check the economic calendar to see if there are any big events or news releases. Big surprises and unexpected events can throw a wrench into the gears and really affect your mindset.

The bottom line is that your trading results are never going to improve if you aren’t focuses, and if you are upset, angry, or are even avoiding trading. Remember folks, it takes a single bad trade on a single bad day to wipe out your trading account. Everybody is different, but you need to find a way to relax and to achieve mental clarity before you start trading on any given day.

Get Some Assistance

If you want to improve your trading results, you should definitely try getting some help. The reality is that without someone in your corner to give you some discipline, trading becomes much harder. If you have someone that you are accountable to, then you won’t make as many lapses in judgment when trading.

You could go find yourself a trading coach or a mentor. Heck, the person you get assistance from doesn’t even have to be a trader.

Something you should try doing is to show someone your trading plan, and then your trading results. This type of accountability is often enough to keep traders in line. It helps prevent lapses in judgment, and therefore helps to improve overall trading results. To improve your trading results, you can also try going to some forums and asking professionals for feedback.

The bottom line is that if you can get help from an outside source, from people who can be objective, it’s going to help you out a lot. Of course, there are also many resources out there designed to help people learn how to trade. One of these resources is the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, one of the best trading schools out there right now. If you have people to help teach you the skills you need to know to win trades, then it’s undoubtedly going to help improve your trading results.


Trading Results

Don’t Rely on Other’s Opinions

Ok, so we did say that getting outside help is a bonus, especially when it comes to a professional and dedicated educational source. Sure, discussing strategies and your performance with someone who knows what they are talking about is good too. However, something that you should avoid doing is asking other people’s opinions on specific trades.

You have your trading plan, and you need to trade your way. If another trader says that they will sell when you plan to buy, you need to follow your plan, not theirs. This is especially the case if you are employing a time tested and proving trading strategy that is shown to produce great trading results. Moreover, everyone trades differently, and you need to find out what works best for you.

You can’t keep changing your mind based on what forums, television, news, and other people say. This will do nothing but cause stress, you will start to doubt and second guess yourself, and this won’t help you improve your trading results at all. Put a lot of work and time into refining your own trading strategy, and don’t let someone else ruin it for you.

You Need to Put in the Practice

Yes, developing and refining your own trading strategy is vital to your success and your trading results. However, even easy newbie friendly trading strategies can be difficult to execute under live market conditions. Trends, pullbacks, and everything in between change on a daily basis. Yes, you have your textbook examples that you follow and base your trading on.

Yet, the live market is never going to look exactly like the examples. This means that to improve your trading results, you need to become better at thinking on the go and trading on the fly. You need to be able to adapt, improvise, and overcome.

To help make you a better trader, you want to take some proven trading strategies that you have refined to suit your style and strengths, and then practice it relentlessly. The best bay to do this is to use a demo trading account. This will allow you to trade under real market conditions, all without having to risk real money.

This way, you can endlessly practice, refine, and hone a strategy to the point where it will greatly benefit your overall trading results. It’s all about building muscle memory, developing the ability to improvise, and being able to make small adjustments for the market conditions on any given day. You want to learn the hard lessons in practice sessions, not when real money is on the line.

Trading Results

Record Your Trades & Analyze the Results

In order to improve your trading results in the future, perhaps one of the most important things you need to do is to analyze your past trading results, all of them. The best traders out there will record all relevant info from all trades, and even take screenshots.

You want to analyze what your trading results were like in terms of your stop loss levels, profit targets, entries, exits, and all of your analysis notes too. You want to be able to review this information at any time to see where you went wrong, or maybe even where you went right. A so called trading journal goes a long way because it can show you exactly what you did in certain market conditions, and what those trading results were like.

You want to review those trades on a weekly basis, and really put some time into analyzing what went wrong. If you review all of your trades side by side, you should be able to find the most common mistakes that you often make. If you can identify your common trading mistakes, it should go a long way in helping you improve your trading results.

Consistently Improving Your Trading Results

Folks, if you follow the tips that we discussed above, you should be able to consistently improve your trading results.

Make sure you are accountable to somebody, get help when needed, make sure you’ve got the right mindset, record all of your trades, analyze them for common mistakes, and more.

Remember, practice makes perfect, and using a demo account to practice trading is definitely something that can help improve your trading results. To get you started on the right foot, getting a trading education is definitely recommended.


Tools To Day Trade Successfully

Tools To Day Trade Successfully

OFFICIAL WEBSITE: IncomeMentorBox.com

Are you tired of losing trade after trade? It might be because you don’t have the tools to day trade successfully. Here at Income Mentor Box, we’re all about teaching you to be the best traders you can be and this involves letting you know about the necessary tools to day trade successfully! So what are the most important tools you will need to become a profitable trader?

Income Mentor Box Tools To Day Trade

Substantial Investment Capital

Ok, when it comes to one of the most important tools to day trade, something you obviously need to have is ample cash. Simply put, if you are living hand to mouth and are waiting on your next paycheque to pay your electricity bill, day trading might not be the best choice. You always want to gauge what your current financial situation is.

Simply put, you should never trade with any money that you are not 100% prepared to lose in full. Yes, here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, our goal is to teach you how to be the best day trader you can be. However, we simply cannot guarantee that you will always win all of your trades. The risk of loss is inherent whether you are trading stocks, Forex, or anything else, and it is something you have to be prepared for.

When it comes to something like the stock market, did you know that the SEC dictates that if you make more than 4 trades per day on the NYSE or NASDAQ, that you always need to have at least $25,000 in your account? Yeah, the bottom line is that to start trading, you need to have some money set aside. It might not be a tool to day trade per say, but it is still needed none the less. Although we do really hate clichés, it is very true that to make money you have to spend money.

Decent Infrastructure

Another tool to day trade successfully you will need is decent infrastructure. Now, yes, there are some automated trading platforms out there which work on all computers and mobile devices. And yes, there are ways to win at day trading with just an autotrader and a single screen, as well as a shoddy internet connection. However, something that we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy can tell you is that good infrastructure can make a really big difference.

For instance, if you want to have several trades open at once, say maybe a couple Forex and stock trades, you need to be able to keep track of them all at once. For this reason, most professional day traders will have multiple monitors or screens so they can have many windows open at once. It’s all about having the right number of screens, a lightning fast internet connection, various pieces of software, and more.

When it comes to tools to day trade successfully, the level and quality of your setup can make a huge difference. It might not be necessary as a newbie trader, but as you advance in the trading world and want to do more at once, you will definitely need to upgrade your setup. A fast internet connection and 2 monitors at the very least are tools to day trade that you should invest in, at least if you are serious about it. Once again, the cliché still holds true here, to make money, you have to be willing to spend money first, which in this case means a legit trading setup with all of the bells and whistles.

Knowledge & Mentorship

Another one of the tools to day trade successful you will need is mentorship. There is no getting around the fact that no matter how much investment capital you have, and no matter how good your trading setup is, if you don’t know how to day trade right, you will lose everything. Folks, nobody just throws money into a trading platform and makes money right off the get go.

Sure being able to do this would be really nice, but life just does not work that way. This is something we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy know all too well. This is why we are here, to teach you the ins and outs of day trading. We’re here to teach you absolutely everything there is to know about trading Forex, stocks, and more.

It takes time, mentorship, and a whole lot of knowledge to day trade right. Yes, our course does cost money to take, but only $299, which is relatively inexpensive considering how much money you stand to gain once you have all of the necessary knowledge under your belt. Not to sound like a broken record, but yes, to make money you have to spend money, and that’s the bottom line!

Experience & Discipline

Moreover, there is no denying the fact that you won’t be all that successful placing your first trades. Day trading is not something for the weak of will or for people who throw in the towel at the first sign of trouble. It takes a lot of discipline to become a day trader, discipline that you can learn right here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy.

Once you have become more disciplined, you follow the right rules and strategies, all of which we teach here, you will gain the necessary experience to become a professional day trader. In terms of tools to day trade successfully, you need to be patient, disciplined, and yes, building experience helps a whole lot as well!

Ample Time

Folks, if are not willing to put in the time needed to learn how to day trade, and to trade, this might not be right for you. One of the biggest tools to day trade successfully is time. You have to be willing to invest not only money, but also time into trading. It takes time to learn and to gain experience.

If you can dedicate 1 or 2 hours per day, a few days per week, you are already off to a good start. You won’t become a professional day trader overnight, but if you are willing to put in the time, you can indeed become very profitable. If you have some time to spare and finally want to start making cash trading, becoming a member of our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is a very good start.


Tools To Day Trade Profitably – Final Thoughts

There you have it folks, the 5 tools to day trade successfully that you absolutely need. If you are tired of losing trades and want to stack up some wins, you have come to the right place because we will teach you everything you need to know and a whole lot more!

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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: IncomeMentorBox.com

Are you just sick and tired of losing trades? Yes, that is the reality of trading, something that we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy know all too well. When you suffer multiple trading losses in a row, especially across a few days, it can be very disheartening and may want to make you quite trading altogether. However, we are here to help you to stop losing trades.

As you might know, our mission here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is to help you stop losing trades. However, it is so much more than that. We want to help you quit your 9 to 5 job so you can become a full time trader from home. The aim here is to turn you from a newbie into a profitable and self-sustaining trader. As long as you can stop losing trades, you can start making thousands of dollars from home on a daily basis.

Income Mentor Box Stop Losing Trades

Today we are here specifically to inform you of how we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy can help you to stop losing trades. There are several points we want to cover here, including our great lessons, pro mentorship, free signals to copy, and so much more. Let’s get right to it and talk about how we can help you stop losing trades right here and right now.

Stop Losing Trades With The Right Mentor

The fact of the matter is that day trading, whether Forex or otherwise, is not something you can just pick up one day and start doing just like that. It takes a lot of skill and knowledge to do this kind of thing successful, especially over a long term basis. The problem which many people suffer from is not having the right mentors or teachers to show them the way. There is no arguing with the fact that somebody who is now successful, and somebody who has already gone through the learning curve, is what you need in order to stop losing trades.

People go to school for absolutely everything from being a police officer or hairstylist to mechanical engineering. So, why not go to school for day trading. Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, your leader and mentor is Andrew. Andrew is a long time professional day trader that has already made all of the mistakes there are to make, and he has learned from them. He’s already made the biggest mistakes so you don’t have to. The fact of the matter is that Andrew is in a great position to help you stop losing trades.


Stop Losing Trades & Get Over Your Fears

One of the biggest issues which many newbie traders face is fear. Yes, fear of risk and losing trades is totally debilitating. Being too scared, fearful, or cautious can lead to big time trading losses. If you are way too hesitant, you might not invest enough per trade, or just not make the right trades altogether. If you want to stop losing trades, you need to get over your fears and start making sound decisions. Yes, a lot of this has to do with practice, and with knowledge as well.

Well, Andrew from our Income mentor Box Day Trading Academy can give you the skills, knowledge, and practice that you need in to stop losing trades. With all of the lesson we provide here, and the real practice we give you, we can provide with the much needed confidence to put an end to those trading losses, at least most of them! Remember folks, we cannot ensure that you never lose trades again, but we can surely do our best!

Stop Losing Trades & Manage Your Cash

Something else that you will learn through our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is money management. Many people just don’t manage their money right when it comes to day trading, and it shows. Now, proper money management will not really stop losing trades, but it will give you a safety net to fall back on.

You see, many day traders out there will take their winnings and blow them on something idiotic like a car. However, what then happens when you suffer from a string of losses? You have no reserve cash to fall back on, that’s what happens. Folks, being able to manage money and save a good portion of your trading winnings is something you will become intimately familiar with here.


Stop Losing Trades By Copying Ours!

Ok, so yes, we provide tons of lessons, tutorials, and mentorship to help you stop losing trades. However, it gets even better than that. Did you know that members of our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy get access to our Facebook signals provision page? That is right, if you are member, you will get access to our 100% free signals provision service.

Here we post roughly 12 trading signals per day, Forex and others, which you just have to copy into your trading platform of choice. We only provide the best signals around, and you can expect great ITM rates simply by copying our trades! It’s definitely a great way to stop losing trades!

Stop Losing Trades Today!

The bottom line is that if you want to stop losing trades, at least a whole lot of them, joining our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is the best way to go about it. Here we provide you with the right mentorship and leadership. Andrew is a top notch day trader, and if there is anybody out there who can help you stop losing trades, it is him.

Here we can provide you with over 50 in depth lessons and tutorials on day trading, and so much more. Heck, we even provide free Forex signals for you to trade with on a daily basis, ones that you can copy and paste into your trading platform of choice! Folks, for the low onetime payment of $299, you can stop losing trades and start making money!

Income Mentor Box Risk Management

Manual Trading: Making €1,000+ DAILY

Manual Trading: Making €1,000+ DAILY

OFFICIAL WEBSITE: IncomeMentorBox.com

Today we want to provide you with a lesson on manual trading. As you will see, Andrew made over €1,000 with just 2 trades, and it took only a single hour to achieve. We have the live trading video right here, and the proof is in the profits. Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we are all about teaching aspiring traders to be the best in the business. Let’s go over some manual trading tips, courtesy of Andrew, and examine how he made roughly €1,100 in just 1 hour!

Income Mentor Box - Manual Trading Tips


Manual Trading: €1,000+ In 2 Trades

Just to clarify, here Andrew was able to make over €1,000 in just 2 trades. He did this purely through manual trading, which is usually the standard when trading Forex. Yes, Andrew was able to make over €1,000 in just 2 trades, and it only took a little over 1 hour to achieve these profits. The two trades which he placed were USD/JPY and GBP/USD.

Combined, they produced well over €1,000 in profits. Today’s manual trading lesson is all about how you can replicate Andrew’s profits, all courtesy of the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. It’s all about making life easier for you and teaching you how to make big money through manual trading. In order to get full lesson on every Forex and day trading, join our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy.

Income Mentor Box - Manual Trading Tips

Manual Trading: Support And Resistance

One of the strategies which Andrew from our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy uses to place the right trades, and to close them at the right times, is support and resistance. Knowing how to use support and resistance lines is crucial for manual trading, and it will help you determine when to close trades, when to open them, and in which direction to trade as well. As you can see from the video, we place a lot of faith in support and resistance, and more times than not, it turns out to be very reliable and highly profitable.

Here we closed these trades on live video. This is because for manual trading, there are no other traders or trading academies out there which do live trades, showing real profits and real trading methods. The whole point of us doing this manual trading video and closing trades live on video is so that you know that our strategies are real, that they work, and that this is the real deal. It’s solid proof that Andy’s manual trading using support and resistance actually works. This is how you can make good money on a daily basis through manual trading.

Income Mentor Box - Manual Trading Tips

Manual Trading: Using The Best Currency Pairs

One of the things which we cannot stress enough, is that to make profitable trades, you need to pick the right currency pairs for Forex. Yes, there are many different pairings out there to choose from. However, not all of them have the same volatility, reliability, and overall profit potential. As you can see from the manual trading video, Andy has a few currency pairings which he favors over all others.

These are usually the best currency pairs to trade with, the ones with the most profit potential when manual trading is involved. Generally speaking, the very best currency pair to go with is the EUR/USD pairing, as it has a high level of liquidity and the highest order flow as well. Some other currency pairings which are fantastic to trade with include USD/JPY, USD/CHF, AUD/USD, EUR/CHF, USD/CAD, GBP/JPY, and GBP/USD. If you stick to these various currency pairs we have listed here, the potential for profit drastically increases when compared to other currency pairings.

Manual Trading – Economic Calendar & 3 Bull News

Another big manual trading tip, courtesy of our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, is to always go to investingnews.com and check the economic calendar. For one, make sure that you select the time zone which you are in. What you are looking for in this economic calendar are news releases. If you are trading with any given currency, you want to ensure that there are no significant news releases coming out.

This goes double for 3 Bull News. If a currency, such as the EUR, is experiencing 3 Bull News, you want to avoid trading with it for the time being. Never trade with any particular asset when said asset is experiencing 3 Bull News. So, for manual trading, compare the favorite currency pairs listed above, and then check the economic calendar for 3 Bull News. Keep an eye on 1 and 5 minute charts, look at the support and resistance lines, and make sure to pay attention to news releases.

Please do keep in mind that here we are only providing a rudimentary explanation of how to make good money through this kind of trading. If you want the full lesson, watch the full manual trading video. For even better and more in depth lessons, you should join our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy.

Income Mentor Box - Manual Trading Tips

Manual Trading Tips – Final Thoughts

There you have it folks, a relatively simple explanation and tip session on how you can maximize profits and choose the right trades when trading. Always use the favorite currency pairs which Andrew discussed, and always check the news releases for news releases related to these currencies. Remember your support and resistance lines as well!

Like we said before, for a more in depth lesson on manual trading, please check out the embedded video and join our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. Here we also provide many other lessons, including over 51 video tutorials for Forex and day trading, an EBook, a private chat room, and more.

Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we even provide trading signals for manual trading. All you have to do is copy and paste our manual trading signals into your own trading platform, and you can make money just like Andrew does in his live videos. Folks, he made over €1,000 in 1 hour, with 2 trades. This could be you!

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